Many congratulations to Sam Goldberg whose trip to the Beagle Club of Northern Ireland was rewarded with making up her second champion (subject to usual) in the shape of Molesend Kaftan JW ShCM under Judge Hazel Deans. Although he seems, to me at least, to have been around forever, Tony is a mere 7˝ years old and won his all important 3rd CC from the Veteran Class. I stupidly messaged Sam and said she’ll be floating home - well, she actually was floating home!
(photo courtesy of Hazel Deans)
I remember, quite a few moons ago, Liz McEwan sending in a photo of her boy Mitch taking a shine to jumping over some poles in her back garden. Well the boy is now a sprightly 11 year old with an Agility Gold Warrant to his name ~ Molesend Brewer AW(G) Mitch is now a poster boy (photo left courtesy of St Andrew’s Hospice) and enjoying life as a therapet in his spare time. Lovely to catch up with old friends! You can read the St Andrew’s Hospice therapet article on Mitch here.
A quick Hound Association of Scotland round up ; Under Judge Carole Wood Ch Tannahill Kent picked up his 4th CC but was pipped for BOB by Ch Bayard Forgetmeknot. Best Junior went to Rhiconich Rhys who also went on to claim Junior Group 4. This feat was repeated by Barterhound Rosebud at Madika JW SHCM AW(S) who was Best Veteran and later went Veteran Group 4. Full results here.
Congratulations to Clare and John Snedden whose Fallowfield Evolution at Hardexspen (ShCM), has claimed the first Open Show Best in Show of the year defeating all at West Lothian under Judge Rachel Hambling.
A quick Crufts round up where, under Judge Val Davies, the Havard Kennels enjoyed a good day with Ch Annavah Knick Knack winning the Bitch CC and BOB, Ch A. Felix winning the Dog CC and Ch A. Ginny winning Best Veteran. There were a smattering of Scots among the cards (full results here) with two classes worthy of further mention. In an 18 strong Good Citizen Bitch class the top four spots were taken by Scots owned dogs while the “tartan win of the day” must surely be Jackie Fraser’s Wyvisview Harlequin winning a class of 16 in Limit Bitch.