Sunday 16th June 2013 Entry - 149 dogs /182 entries
JUDGE - Mrs Helen Howell (Emorlen)
Main Awards
Best In Show & B.C.C.
Reserve B.I.S. & D.C.C.
Reserve Dog C.C.
Reserve Bitch C.C.
Best Puppy in Show
Best Veteran in Show
First Second
Veteran Dog (8)
1 Hunt’s Ch & Ir Ch Bondlea Fable JW 2 Simkin’s Simeldaka Balluta Boy ShCM 3 Jackson’s Ch Bayard Grafter 4 Binks’ Ch Tannahill Leuka 5 Pocklington-Hall’s Macall Back to Zac ShCM


MPD (5,2a)
1 Pitt’s Dreamoak Illustrious 2 Calikes’ Newlin Kestrel 3 Stirling’s Molesend Merlot


PD (6)
1 May’s Janfrey Osborn BPIS 2 Anthony’s Ospreagle Hot Diggitty Dawg 3 Bartholomew’s Fullcry Poacher 4 Pocklington-Hall’s Macall Bushman 5 Hargrave’s Barterhound Tudor for Valsacre


JD (7)
1 Calike’s Franjean N Newlin’s Team Spirit (Imp) 2 Holt’s Kelseva Willy Wonka 3 Findlay’s Rhiconich Rufus 4 Pocklington-Hall’s Macall Bushman 5 McPhee’s Gempeni Pageboy


ND (5)
1 Jackson’s Bayard Hazel’s Beani 2 Anthony’s Ospreagle Hot Diggitty Dawg 3 Calikes’ Newlin Kestrel 4 Hargrave’s Barterhound Tudor for Valsacre 5 McPhee’s Gempeni Pageboy


GD (5,1a)
1 McBain & Stevens’ Bondlea Layman 2 Ambridge’s Bondlea Legion JW 3 Wood’s Marada Bright Star 4 McPhee’s Gempeni Pageboy


PGD (7,1a)
1 Kingsland’s Redcap Temperance 2 Roderick’s Barterhound Garrison 3 Goldberg’s Molesend Kaftan JW 4 McBain & Stevens’ Bondlea Layman 5 Wiseman’s Dughallmor Cocky Lugs


LD (11,2a)
1 Bradley & Burgess’ Dufosee Hyperion DCC & RBIS 2 Havard’s Annavah Keeper 3 Smith & Starbrook’s Koorbrats Watchful 4 Burrows’ Redcap Trumpet Major for Summerlily 5 Findlay’s Rhiconich Kyle


OD (9,2a)
1 Lewis’ Ch Fallowfield Royal Richard 2 May’s Janfrey Elliot 3 Foster & Jones’ Ch Stormpasture Holimoli 4 Cuthill’s Serenaker Othello JW 5 Hunt & Norris’ Shercroft Flinders JW ShCM


Junior Handling (Judge Lynn Bailey)
6-11 years 1st Ella Findlay 2nd James Healy
12-16 years 1st Emma Healy 2nd Matthew Robertson
Best Junior Handler Ella Findlay
Best Junior Handler Ella Findlay
Veteran Bitch (8)
1 Lomax’s Ch Newlin Una of Lowyck 2 Havard’s Ch Annavah Solitaire 3 Butters & Theobald’s Orchidvale Angelica of Breskar ShCM 4 Wood’s Marada Venus 5 Woodcock’s Roddwood Bunting


MPB (9,1a)
1 Pitt’s Dreamoak Mary Rose 2 Craig’s Davricard Moonlight 3 Goldberg’s Molesend Madeira 4 Bailey’s Newlin Kismet for Salenko 5 Binks’ Tannahill Ida


PB (20,6a)
1 Foster & Jones’ Stormpasture Trumpette BPB 2 Anthony’s Ospreagle Sweetness 3 May’s Janfrey Odell 4 Pocklington-Hall’s Macall Miss Marni 5 Walton’s Dufosee Louisa with Vigor


JB (17,5a)
1 Jones & Jepson’s Janimist White Holly with Eardley 2 Sutton’s Rossut Elsbeth 3 Havard’s Annavah Alpine 4 Anthony’s Ospreagle Just Because 5 MacDonald’s Finmorlan Symphony


NB (12,5a)
1 Walton’s Dufosee Louisa with Vigor 2 Hartland’s Newlin Inkspot at Fairleedale 3 Bailey’s Newlin Kismet for Salenko 4 Burrows’ Summerlily Raggy Doll 5 McBain & Stevens’ Redcap Bella Sorella


GB (12,3a)
1 Goldberg’s Molesend Kashmir 2 Norridge, Parker & Stevens’ Serenaker Keep The Faith 3 Jones’ Clairdale Willowmena 4 Morrison’s Newlin Iona 5 Deans’ Gempeni Flower Girl


PGB (15,3a)
1 Bradley & Burgess’ Dufosee Hayley BCC & BIS 2 Binks’ Tannahill Jet Black 3 Sutton’s Rossut Betony 4 Roderick’s Barterhound Gem Stone 5 Hargrave’s Valsacre Echo JW


LB (14,1a)
1 Jones & Jepson’s Debucher Bubbles at Eardley 2 Lomax’s Lowyck Tamara 3 Hunt & Norris’ Shercroft Duchess 4 Parker & Stevens’ Serenaker Memphis Belle 5 Findlay’s Rhiconich Netherbank Bella Rose


OB (15,3a)
1 Jones & Jepson’s Eardley Barb Dwyer RBCC 2 Havard’s Annavah Ginger 3 Craig’s Ch Davricard Martina 4 May’s Janfrey Fame 5 Lewis’ Fallowfield Diamonte

