Veteran Bitch (8)
1 Woodcock’s Ch Rossgay Rouska at Roddwood JW ShCM 2 Powell’s Hayapark Aster 3 Butters & Theobald’s Orchidvale Angelica of Breskar ShCM 4 Henningsson-Dundas’ Ch Julemark Hussy 5 Pocklington-Hall’s Macall New Sensation ShCM


MPB (9)
1 Parker & Stevens’ Serenaker Fashion BPB & RBCC 2 Ravell’s Tungri Shooting Star 3 Tofts’ Jarrowley Dazzle 4 Findlay’s Rhiconich Caitlin 5 Binks’ Tannahill Nevaeh


PB (11,1a)
1 Lewis’ Pondsanwood Ruby in Fallowfield 2 Brown’s Raimex Brittany 3 Phillip’s Lanesend Sorrell 4 Havard’s Annavah Olivia 5 Hill’s Dapperdawg Seven Of Nine


JB (10,3a)
1 Kingsland’s Redcap Right On 2 Coate’s Gladstyle Mad About Me 3 Bartholomew’s Fullcry Walnut 4 May’s Janfrey Pollyanna 5 Player’s Uproar The Vineyard Guard at Lyndex


NB (10)
1 Platt’s Charbonnel Royal Ruby 2 Lewis’ Fallowfield Grace 3 Binks’ Tannahill Maura 4 Brown’s Raimex Brittany 5 Phillip’s Lanesend Sorrell


GB (10,1a)
1 Burrows’ Summerlily Raggy Doll 2 Goldberg’s Molesend Madeira 3 Jones’ Clairdale Bryanie 4 Walton’s Dufosee Louisa with Vigor 5 McBain & Stevens’ Redcap Bella Soreila


PGB (10)
1 Craig’s Davricard Moonlight BCC & BIS 2 Havard’s Annavah Alpine 3 Woodcock’s Roddwood Melody 4 Morrison’s Newlin Iona at Bowerswell 5 Binks’ Tannahill Ida


LB (14)
1 Burrows’ Summerlily Secret Service 2 Jackson’s Bayard Make Believe 3 Havard’s’ Annavah Katrina 4 Goldberg’s Molesend Kashmir JW 5 Walton’s Ardvreck Ismelia


OB (12,3a)
1 Craig’s Ch Davricard Martina 2 May’s Janfrey Fame 3 Parker & Stevens’ Serenaker Memphis Belle 4 Jackson’s Ch Bayard Make Amends 5 Walden’s Dufosee Devona by Nedlaw

