A very sad note to end the year with the passing of Jan Bell on December 26th. Jan’s funeral will be held at Dunfermline Crematorium on Wednesday January 6th at 2:45 pm and afterwards at the Pitbauchlie Hotel. Click here for a tribute to Jan.
A good win for Liz Calikes’ new hopeful Balgowan Tiger Lily (Molesend Angler x Newlin Relish) as she was awarded Best Puppy In Show at Rutherglen on December 13th.
A good weekend for Fiona Findlay’s Rhiconich Glenda whose Best of Breed and Group 4 at Clydebank on Nov. 22nd was preceeded by a BOB and G2 at Dundee Limit Show the previous day.
Another award to soon be flying north of the border is a Junior Warrant for Liz Calikes’ Newlin Bailiff following his BOB at LKA of Scotland on Nov 15th. It’s Bailey’s 9th Open Show BOB this year, since July, to go alongside several BPIS awards and, of course, the C.C . at Four Counties. Bailey (b.17.07.08) is by Ch Bedeway Artful JW x Ch Newlin Osprey JW
Hazel Deans’ Barterhound Bouquet for Gempeni JW will soon have more letters after her name as her BOB and G3 at East of Scotland gave her the final points required for her Show Certificate Of Merit. Flora, pictured opposite at this year’s SBC Open Show, is two years and two months old and was bred by Barbara Roderick from Ch Bedeway Artful x B. Whisper
Fiona Findlay may have flown the Scottish flag solo at West Mercia B.C. Champ Show on Nov.1st but came away with a 1st in Junior Bitch, Best Puppy Bitch and then Best Puppy In Show under Barbara Roderick. Rhiconich Glenda (b.16.11.08) - pictured left - is by Ch. Fallowfield Bartholomew x Rhiconich Heather
The SBC websiste reached the milestone of 500,000 visitors on October 26th after just over 5 years since regular updating began in August 2004. The site has over 500,000 mb of information over some 500 pages with 18 folders containing over 9600 files. Visitors regularly stop by from Germany, India, USA, Denmark, Brasil and Italy to name a few. The average visitor browses 7 pages and is most likely to stay on the site for up to 5 minutes (36%) but 12.5% will stay on for an hour or more.
With beaglers and beagles enjoying an indian summer in many parts of the country the cameras have been busy. Click here to see a small selection.
Hazel Deans reports a successful and enjoyable trip around the “Irish circuit” in August. From the 5 shows entered Flora - Barterhound Bouquet for Gempeni JW - won 3 of the Green Stars. From these she was awarded two BOBs from which she was placed 4th in Group 6 at Clonmel and 2nd in the Group at Killarney. At Limerick where Flora won her 3rd GS it was Susan Arden’s veteran Miles - Ch Madika Nut Case - who was BOB resulting in a haul of 3 BOBs from 5 shows for the sisters and an “Excellent” grading for each of their dogs at every show. Not to be upstaged by Miles, Hazel’s veteran Poppy was awarded the Reserve GS at the final show. Flora and Poppy are pictured opposite resting between shows at the Glen of Aherlow with the Galty Mountains in the background.
Congrats to Iain and Jill Hill’s BOB at SKC on August 30th, Bruadair Cno-Chaltainn Von Dapperdawg. Darci had to overcome the not inconsiderable obstacle of Best Dog, in the shape of Bayard Garrick of Ramsayville, to reach the Group stage where she was shortlisted to the final seven. The Ramsayville kennels, however, did succeed with Spencer - Rocamar Silent Witness for Ramsayville - who won the Veteran Stakes class.
Gregor Watson and Chief (Newlin Anchor Chief) are entering the Pedal For Scotland bike run, from Glasgow to Edinburgh, on September 13th in aid of SRM research. Sponsorship details can be found here and anyone wishing to enter can find details here. Chief is pictured right in training for the event.
Chris Hartland’s message says it all as she thanks those who sponsored a 5 mile walk in Cheshire on August 2nd. £3700 was raised for Beagle Welfare as around 80 beagles enjoyed the walk in glorious weather.
Sad news with the passing of what is thought to be the last of the Caurniehill Beagles. Luisa Fallon and Gregor Watson lost Floyd - Caurniehill Albany (pictured left) - on July 31st, the day before his 16th birthday. Clearly upset at relaying the news, Luisa described Floyd as “ A wee gentleman of a beagle.” He has gone to meet his lifetime best buddy Rigsby - Caurniehill Rigs O’ Barley (pictured right) who Luisa and Gregor lost in late 2007.
Photo courtesy of the Beagle Association
Can’t seem to keep Hazel’s Poppy out of this page as she has claimed another B.V.I.S. award, this time at the Beagle Association Champ Show on July 18th under judge Debbie Taylor. It was a good day for Hazel with her youngster, Flora, winning both Yearling and Graduate bitch classes, resulting in the three trophies she took down being replaced by five to take back home!
Many congratulations to Hazel Dean as her Poppy - Ch & Ir Ch Gempeni Wildflower is awarded the RCC at Blackpool at the age of 11½! German Judge Siegfried Peter had previously awarded Poppy a Green Star and a BOB in Ireland some 9 years ago. It’s not usual to mention Championship Show class results here, as they can all be viewed elsewhere, but many Scots enjoyed their trip to Blackpool including ; Liz Calikes’ Newlin Bailiff winning Puppy Dog Fiona MacDonald’s Fallowfield Duce of Finmorlan winning Post Grad Dog A Scot’s 1,2,3 in Graduate Bitch ; 1. Iain & Jill Hill’s Dapperdawg Heart Of Kaos 2. Jim & Debbie Linden’s Bruadair Eiridinn 3.Susan Arden’s Barterhound Rosebud at Madika and a 1,2,3,4 in Post Graduate Bitch ; 1. Hazel Dean’s Barterhound Bouquet for Gempeni JW 2. Iain & Jill Hill’s Bruadair Cno-challtainn Von Dapperdawg 3. Jim & Debbie Linden’s Bruadair Eiridinn 4. Fiona MacDonald’s Newlin Zoe of Finmorlan
To help dispel the myth that beagles are “untrainable” a delighted Liz Burton has e-mailed to say that Scotland has another Kennel Club Good Citizen Gold Medal awardee in the shape of her dog Custard (Black GuinessBob).
Congratulations to Andrew, Margaret & Mairi Brown and David Todd as their Bayard Garrick of Ramsayville won his second CC at Southern Counties under Diane Brown on June 6th.
A good day at Carluke on May 23rd for Beagles (and Newlin!) as Fiona MacDonald’s Newlin Zoe at Finmorlan was Reserve Best in Show and Liz Calike’s Newlin Bailiff was Best Puppy in Show. This is Bailey’s 5th BPIS award with 3 Open and 2 Champ show awards.