************************************************* DECEMBER
************************************************* NOVEMBER
While sorting through some of the year’s photographs a glaring omission from the Newspage has been noticed - only 7 months late! With apologies to Liz Calikes it should have been reported in April that at the AGM Newlin Bailiff JW was named as Scottish Beagle of the Year 2009 and also winner of the Craigmount Trophy. So, that’s a Show Certificate of Merit to add to his Junior Warrant, Scottish Beagle of the Year, Craigmount Trophy winner, 3 additional CCs and the title of Champion - all in all not a bad year!
Group one wins are a bit like waiting for a bus. You wait for ever for one then you get two on the same weekend! Although there were no Beagle classes at Land O’ Burns, Fiona MacDonald’s Fallowfield Fusion of Finmorlan JW ShCM won AVHNSC and then the Group under Judge Lorna Binks. On the Sunday at Clydebank the Beagles more than held their own with Liz Calikes’ Newlin Flint winning AVHMP and Stewart Brannan and Fiona Kelly’s Dapperdawg Forbidden Isle winning AVHP and Puppy Group 3. The breed’s latest CC winner Ardvreck Caerlaverock von Dapperdawg (also owned by Stewart & Fiona), then won Best of Breed and Group 1 under Judge Fran Mitchell. The reason this is “Newsworthy”? It’s only the second time in at least 5 years that Beagles have won Group 1 at consecutive Open Shows over the same weekend. It also ensures last year’s total of 6 Group wins is surpassed but one more is required to match the 8 wins of 2008.
Some good results for Scottish exhibitors at West Mercia B.C. Champ Show on Nov.7th under Judge Pat Sutton. When I say “good” it doesn’t get any better than your first CC followed by a Best In Show!! A huge “well done” to Fiona Kelly and Stewart Brannan whose 4 year old Ardvreck Caerlaverock von Dapperdawg (Bruadair Buadhmhor ShCM x Rosanka Gabor) did just that against stiff opposition. Hazel Deans’ Barterhound Bouquet for Gempeni JW ShCM won the Bitch Reserve CC - her third to date. Starting out on his career, Liz Calike’s 7 month old Newlin Flint, followed up his class win at Midland Counties with wins in Minor Puppy and Novice and was also awarded Best Puppy Dog.
If you’ve ever heard of Canicross and thought it sounds like fun, now you and your beagle can give it a go. For those not familiar with the growing sport it involves you and your dog, attached via comfy harnasses and a bungee rope lead, running over 2.5k or 5k courses through picturesque locations. You can contact Gregor Watson or Susan Westlake for more info about organising a beagle event or click here for more information from Canix, the official organisers of Canicross. For videos / pictures click here and here.
************************************************* OCTOBER
It’s been a bitter / sweet month for Doug and Erica Matthew. Following the heartache of losing George (right) a month short of his 6th birthday, his daughter Noodles (Giggling Gossip at Carvaha) has had a good start to her show career. She was Best of Breed at her first show at Kirkintilloch on her “half birthday.” Noodles then ended the month with another BOB at Banff, Moray & Nairn where she was also awarded Best Hound Puppy and then Reserve Best Puppy in Show. As Erica said “George would have been proud of his baby girl.”
************************************************* SEPTEMBER
A good show at Angus & Kincardineshire on Sept 26th for Fiona Findlay. Following Rhiconich Glenda’s BOB and Group 3, R. Lucy (pictured right at Darlington) was awarded Special Best Minor Puppy in Show.
********************************************************************* AUGUST
Congratulations to three beaglers who had an enjoyable Saturday (Aug 28th). At SKC Lewis Fraser’s 1st in his YKC Handling Class qualified him for Crufts 2011 while a 2nd in his JHA Class qualified him for the Richmond semi-final. Also at SKC Jim & Debbie Linden’s Bruadair Dealaidh JW ShCM and B.Eiridinn were Best of Breed and Reserve Best Bitch respectively under Mairi Brown. Meanwhile down at Northern & Midland Counties B.C. Liz Calike’s Ch Newlin Bailiff JW ShCM was busy scooping his 4th CC and was also RBIS for good measure under Judge Joan Lennard (photo by Hazel Deans).
Another two great Beagle results to report. Fiona Kelly and Stewart Brannan’s Dapperdawg Forbidden Isle, fresh from winning the Hound Puppy Group at Falkirk, then went BPIS and BIS at the Cowal Companion Dog Show the following day. Rhum is pictured left with his weekend spoils. Chalking up another win for the Beagles, Dougie and Erica Matthew’s Carvaha Solitaire (right) decided to trump her little sister’s RBIS with a Best in Show at Keith Country Companion Show, also on August 8th.
For the first time in over 2 years a Beagle has won BIS at an Open Show in Scotland. Jim and Debbie Linden’s Bruadair Dealaidh JW SHcM managed the feat at Kirkcaldy on August 1st. Dee stood unopposed in the Beagle class under Lisa Stocks but then won a large Hound group under Mr Tan Nagrecha before taking the top award under the same judge. The last BIS at a Scottish Open Show was won by Bayard Garrick of Ramsayville in July 2008.
********************************************************************** JULY
Hazel starts and ends this News period as her old girl Poppy wins Best Vintage in Show at the Beagle Association on July 31st.
A busy but ultimately rewarding start to the month was enjoyed by Hazel Deans. Planning to give Windsor a miss, as Hazel and sister Susan were off to Ireland for 3 shows the following day, a last minute change of plan was rewarded with Barterhound Bouquet for Gempeni JW ShCM (right) winning her second RCC, this time under judge Serena Parker. The following night it was off to Ireland for Bray and B.C. of Ireland on Saturday and Irish LKA on Sunday. Flora was awarded the Green Star and B.I.S. at the Club show and another G.S. on Sunday.
********************************************************************* JUNE
********************************************************************* MAY
Luisa Fallon & Gregor Watson’s car was weighed down with silverware on the way home from the CTPWRC fun day on May 31st. Chief (right) was Best Beagle while Cosmo (left) was Best Veteran and Best in Show. Carolyne Bertram’s Murphy (extreme right) proved hard to beat again as he won the inaugural Jan Bell Memorial Trophy.
An SKC day to remember for Rachel Cuthill as she steered her Serenaker Trial By Magic to a 1st in Open Dog, the Dog CC and Best of Breed under Roger Henningsson-Dundas. Liz Calikes won the RDCC with Newlin Bailiff JW ShCM. Both ladies are pictured left on their “lap of honour.” “Vinnie”, pictured right, is by Am Ch Wilkeep Co’s Hocus Pocus at Fallowfield x Serenaker Freya and will be 4 years old in July.
Hazel Deans’ amazing run of success at Devon, Cornwall & South West B.C. continues with a 6th consecutive win in Veteran Bitch for Poppy - Ch & Ir Ch Gempeni Wildflower. At the Club’s 40th Anniversary show under Judge Val Davies Hazel’s Barterhound Bouquet for Gempeni JW ShCM also won a large Limit Bitch class. Click here for full results.
********************************************************************* APRIL
A great day at Beagle Club of Northern Ireland under Sam Goldberg on April 17th for three dogs with Scottish connections. Following on from his CC at H.A.S. the previous weekend Lynn Bailey’s Newlin Victor of Salenko JW ShCM (left), won the DCC. Fiona MacDonald’s Fallowfield Fusion JW ShCM (right), won the DRCC while Hazel Deans’ Ch & Ir Ch Gempeni Wildflower won the bitch RCC at the ripe old age of 12.
Congratulations to Lewis Fraser who qualified for SKC Junior Handler of the Year 2011 at Ross & Cromarty on April 11th. He is pictured opposite with his charge Misken Lewis at Wyvisview who was second in the Open Class at the same show.
The second Best in Show for the year has gone to Fiona Findlay’s Rhiconich Glenda (left) who did the deed at Angus & Kincardineshire CA Limited Show on April 4th. To make a good day better Rhiconich Jay (right) was Special Best Minor Puppy in Group. Still not satisfied, Fiona then won a bottle of Vodka and a bottle of wine in the raffle! I have already asked Fiona for Saturday’s lottery numbers.
********************************************************************** It’s official - there was no News during March
********************************************************************* FEBRUARY
Well done to young Morven MacDonald who qualified for Richmond by finishing second in the Y.K.C. 12-16 years handling heat at Rutherglen. Not bad for a 12 year old in her first season competing against the older age group. Morven and Zoe are pictured opposite outside the Rutherglen venue.
A phonecall from Patricia Gordon yesterday was unfortunately not only about the audit on last year’s accounts as she sadly informed me of the loss of her old tri boy Sepi - Dialynne Sepia (D. Tolliver of Tragband x D. Silverbirch). Sepi was born May 4th 1997 and came to Patricia as a 2 year old to join up with Korwin Halloween (Honey) and Tarlog Biddy (Tara). When Patricia lost both old girls, within three months of each other, her two Newlins came to join them - Fern & Fanfare. A kidney condition was diagnosed late last year but was seemingly under control. Unfortunately Patricia had to let him go following complete kidney failure on February 4th, three months short of his 13th birthday.
See if you can guess who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on January 30th. If you can’t guess then you might say I’ve got you over a barrel! Answer to be published in a few days.
......As many have guessed or knew, the fresh-faced couple is none other than our Vice President Kathleen Cooper and husband Andrew.
********************************************************************** JANUARY
Chris Hartland’s Veteran Sabinhay Fairmaid has won 1st Prize for “Cutest Photo” in a Nottingham University School of Veterinary Medicine and Science photographic competition to raise funds for Guide Dogs for the Blind. It was sponsored by Hills and Fairmaid’s prize is a 3 months’ supply of dog food. As her photo will also be used in both Hills and Nottingham Uni’s P.R. material we may well be seeing a lot more of Fairmaid!