Lynn Bailey’s Seamus has only gone and done it again! Another weekend double making it 4 BVIS awards at his first 4 entries as a Veteran. The two shows this time were South Yorkshire Hound Society on December 14th under Frank Kane and Newton Aycliffe Open under Keith Nathan the following day. Truly a “Golden Oldie”!
A busy and successful weekend to kick off December on both sides of the border. At Tyne Wear & Tees Hound Show on Saturday Best in Show went to Jim & Julie Woodcock’s Roddwood Melody. Lynn Bailey’s Ch Newlin Victor of Salenko JW ShCM was BVIS at his first go as a “Golden Oldie”. Shay then repeated the feat the following day winning Best Veteran at Sunderland.
Sam Goldberg won Best Puppy in Show with Sabinhay Nightfall at Sunderland. The win may have been all the more special to Sam as Dusk was the sole survivor from a premature litter and was hand reared.
Meanwhile back in Scotland Liz Calikes’ Newlin Kestrel was up to his old tricks winning yet another Best Puppy in Show, this time at Larkhall.
At Dundee Limit show on November 16th the beagles beat all-comers after Suzanne McGiffen won the Group following Best of Breed with Rhiconich Kirk. Fiona Findlay’s Rhiconich Joker then won A.V. Special Minor Puppy and Kelly Diamond completed the clean sweep winning the A.V. Special Puppy Class with Southistle Chaser
Well done to Ella Findlay who continues her winning ways during her first season in the ring winning Best Junior Handler at West Mercia Beagle Club Championship Show on November 3rd. photo by Melissa Heywood
To make life easier for the webmaster I think we should just have a big number which can easily be changed. Liz Calikes’ Newlin Kestrel has now made it four consecutive Best Puppy in Breed wins at the last four Mainland Champ Shows after his latest win at Midland Counties under Norwegian judge Espen Engh. It was also consecutive Best of Breeds for the Serenaker Kennels, this time with Parker, Stevens & Norridge’s Serenaker Figaro.
Following his BOB and Group 2 at Kirkintilloch on October 20th Franjean N Newlin’s Team Spirit will become the first Beagle owned by Liz to have the initials ShCM after his name (subject to K.C. approval.)
Liz Calikes’ Newlin Kestrel maintains his fine form of late winning his third Champ Show Best Puppy in Breed, this time at South Wales. Kez won Puppy Dog and BPIB under Ron Caney and then matched his Darlington result with a Puppy Group 2, this time under Jill Peak. Congratulations also to the Best of Breed winner, Parker & Stevens Serenaker Memphis Belle, who made it a “Group 2 double” with her Group place under Jenny Dove.
Another Champ Show Puppy Group placing to report. This time it’s Lorna Binks Tannahill Ida who was Best Puppy in Breed under Stuart Milner at Belfast before winning Hound Puppy Group 4 under Andrew Brace.
Liz Calikes is certainly enjoying the Minor Puppy classes at present. Her latest success with Newlin Kestrel (pictured opposite at SBC Champ Show in June) was to walk away from Lothian CC with a Best Special Minor Puppy in Show award. Liz interestingly pointed out that beagles have won this award at Lothian for 3 consecutive years with Gempeni Flower Girl and Newlin Ingot of Salenko winning in 2012 and 2011 respectively. Who can resist a beagle puppy?!
The Matthew’s run of success “up North” continues into August with a three day run of wins. At Clatt Companion Show on Aug. 4th Carvaha Boogie Woogie was Best Puppy in Show under Judge Miss L. Steel. At Turriff Open Show the following day “Beans” was Best of Breed and Puppy Group 2. Then on Monday 6th Carvaha Solitaire went Reserve Best in Show under Judge Mrs R. Walker (photo right by Kirsty Wynne).
A good week for Doug & Erica Matthews youngster Carvaha Boogie Woogie. Before winning BOB and PG4 at Bon Accord on July 20th she was declared Best Puppy in Show AND Best in Show at Echt Companion Show on July 13th.
Some more sad news as Barbara and Sandy Purves relay the loss of Craigmount Honey Dew two months short of her 14th birthday. Megan was shown consistently as a youngster but after a litter lost interest in the ring. However she continued to support SBC events, competing successfully up until 2010. She is photographed right with Barbara at the SBC Open Show in 2009 and left handled by Lewis Fraser (owner of Megan’s grandson) the following year. Regular visitors to this website over the past 9 years may well have unwittingly seen an image of Megan countless times. She is the headshot in the “Welcome logo”, a photo that was used on the back cover of a Beagle Club annual over a decade ago.
Scots have been enjoying excursions to Blackpool for over a century and there were certainly a few happy ones in the Lancashire resort after the Championship Show on June 22nd. Parker, Stevens & Cuthill’s Serenaker Othello JW (2 photos down) now adds a Certificate Challenge to his two previous RDCCs after his Open class win and Liz Calike’s Franjean N Newlin’s Team Spirit (Imp) (pictured right at SBC) was awarded the Reserve Dog CC following his GD win. Liz’s youngster Newlin Kestrel (below) was Best Puppy Dog and Lorna Binks’ Tannahill Ida won the MPB class. Hazel Deans’ Gempeni Flower Girl can now add the letters JW after her name (subject to KC approval) after winning Junior Bitch. Well done also to David Craig for another BOB with Ch Davricard Buttercup and Sally Precey for her Best Puppy award with Stormpasture Trump Card over Detrick.
Always good to get a new puppy off to a winning start. Liz Calikes’ Newlin Kestrel certainly got off to a flier at his first show as he scooped Best Minor Puppy in show at St. Andrews, Cupar & District on June 9th. Kez was photographed here at 4 months by Fiona MacDonald.
Only 3 weeks after his RDCC at SKC, Rachel Cuthill-Thomson’s Serenaker Othello JW has picked up another, this time at the Beagle Club under Val Davies. Dyson is pictured above after his win with breeder Serena Parker. Click here for full results..
Well done Hazel Deans who has returned from a long trip to Bath with a Kennel Club Good Citizen Scheme Bronze award for her youngster Rosie (pictured below at SKC.) Hazel reports she was the sole representative to make the trek from Scotland but a 3rd place for Rosie in Junior, a 4th for her mother, Flora, in Open and a stay-over at Flora’s breeder perhaps made the trip a bit easier than it might have been.
It’s been a sad time recently for Doug & Erica Matthew after losing Willow (Benroma Willow at Carvaha) on Christmas Eve, just a few days after her 7th birthday. On April 20th the family then lost their ten year old boy Milo (Covenant Lucky Devil at Carvaha), pictured right. Life has to go on, as they say, and the new guard have brought some cheer to Doug and Erica after Carvaha Boogie Woogie won PG3 at Cambuslang recently then Carvaha Gold Digger (left) was BPIS at Donside Ringcraft Companion show on April 28th.
Please note that previously issued Championship Show schedules giving “Dates to Remember”now contain incorrect information. Our Open Show is to be held on October 6th at Ravenstruther Hall, Ravenstruther. Judge and times are unchanged. The corrected Championship Show schedule can be downloaded here.
As most “Facebookers” and others may already have heard, the Club has lost one its former Secretaries with the passing of Jean Penman. Jean McCubbin, as she was then, got her first beagle from the Newlin kennels in early 1981 and later won a couple of RCCs with Norcis Uri. In 1990 Jean judged the SBC Open Show, all of which was recorded to tape. The following year Jean married Alec, photo opposite. Shortly after her marriage to Alec Jean became secretary of the SBC for around 9 years. She awarded CCs at Border Union, Bournemouth and the Welsh K.C. and also judged in Germany. Jean’s funeral will be held on Tuesday, March 5th, 1pm at the Co-operative Parlour, Backmarch Road, Rosyth, Fife, KY11 2RP then at 2 pm Dunfermline Cemetery, Halbeath Road, Dunfermline. Refreshments afterwards to be held at Pitbauchlie House Hotel, Aberdour Road, Dunfermline, KY11 4PB. Anyone who knew Jean is most welcome.
Congratulations to Sam Goldberg whose Molesend Kaftan (Molesend Adrift x Newlin Chalice at Molesend JW) gained the required point for his Junior Warrant after winning the Junior Dog class at the B.A. Open Show. Just to make sure he also went on to win the Graduate Dog class under Judge Emily Thornton. Tony’s litter sister M. Kaftan ensured a good day for Sam by winning the corresponding Junior and Graduate bitch classes.
Sad news of another Golden Oldie to leave us comes from Patricia Gordon as she lost her 15 year old, Newlin Fanfare, on Feb. 19th Megan (d.o.b. 02.09.97 Ch.Dialynne Tolliver of Tragband x Ch. Newlin Upsadaisy ) went to Tarbert to join Patricia in 2002 to join her litter sister Fern (Newlin Fern.) Patricia says “She was a loving pet who never left her puppy stage behind and will be greatly missed.”
Hazel Deans’ Gempeni Flower Girl has kept her kennels’ winning ways going for 2013 winning Reserve Best Puppy in Show at Caledonian under 3 judges. Rosie was BPIB under Anthony Rees then PG1 under Jen Davies before she was pipped at the post by an Australian Shepherd under BIS judge Sue Pollock-Yule.