Sorry Liz but you’ve left the Webmaster with no photos of Kes bar this one! Ch Newlin Kestrel JW ShCM started out his 2014 campaign, at least on this side of the border, way back at a sometimes wet and windy Hound Association of Scotland. He started collecting “tickets” a few months later, was a Champion by August and at LKA on December 14th boosted his CC tally to 6. Not a bad year - many congratulations!
Rachel Cuthill’s Ch Serenaker Trial By Magic proved he’s “still got it” at 8 years of age winning Best Veteran in Show at the Welsh Beagle Club under Sam Goldberg. Click here for full results from the show. picture left is a crop from a Samantha Webster photo
A stalwart of The Scottish Beagle Club has been lost with the passing of Betty Lawson Whyte on Sept. 21st Betty’s Mistylaw affix dates back to the 50s when the kennel was more involved with Boxers. However Betty was drawn to the world of Beagles along with friend Meg Hunter in the early 60s. Although a successful boarding kennels business kept her busy she still had an impact on the breed with five Champions. At Crufts in 1987 Betty had a remarkable show walking off with the Bitch CC, Reserve Bitch CC and the Reserve Dog CC. Three years later at the SBC Champ show under Andrew Brace Ch Mistylaw Homespun (photographed opposite) won the Bitch CC and Best in Show at 10 years of age. Betty stopped breeding around the mid 90s but served the SBC as President for many years. Continually supporting the club at both Open and Championship shows until deteriorating health prevented her attendance, Betty and her late husband Alastair were always generous with donations and special prizes. Betty, who recently turned 92 years of age, had been hospitalised for the last few weeks. Her funeral will be held on Thursday October 2nd at 2p.m. in Paisley Crematorium to which all are welcome.
Susan Arden’s Eddie and Emma continue their success in agility competition. While Eddie is very competitive in Grade 4, Emma has just won her last Grade 5 from a huge class before stepping up to Class 6. This was Emma’s fourth win out of her last four classes. Sounds like she’s ready for that step up!
A quick round up of what some our Beagles have been up to of late ; Beagle Welfare held their first official Scottish event on Sept.13th at Alva. Entitled “Och Aye AaRoooo” (photo right) the event was well attended and raised around £1500. Those present enjoyed superb weather (not to mention scenery!), Beagle Racing, Agility and Flyball demos, various games and show classes. BW are keen to make this an annual event.
One Beagle present at Alva has enjoyed a hat-trick of Best of Breeds over the past few weeks at Cartmel, Lunesdale, and Westmorland Agricultural Shows. Chris & Mike Hartland’s Inca (Newlin Inkspot at Fairleedale - left) didn’t get the chance to strut her stuff at Alva as her mum was “Judge and Jury”!
Wilma and Dick Morrison attended the Doberman and Rottweiler Rescue Companion Show on Sept.14th under Judge Elaine Robertson of Lomondane Great Danes. Dick relates that Bowerswell Fara was second in a strong AV Puppy class and that he was third in Adult Handling. Not bad for a Senior Citizen - Dick’s words, not the webmaster’s! Fara’s dam Storm (Newlin Iona at Bowerswell) trumped both however, eventually being awarded Reserve Best in Show.
Christine Lewis had a good Darlington show under Moray Armstrong winning the Bitch CC and Best of Breed with Fallowfield Grace. Christine also won Best Veteran with Ch F. Darlene and was later placed second in the Hound Veteran Group under Mr J. Thirlwell. Still at Darlington, congrats also to Liz Calikes who picked up another RCC with Ch Newlin Kestrel. Up the road a few miles to Four Counties where Hazel Deans was, unusually, the only person from Scotland present under judge Les Mitchell. The trip was worthwhile as Rosie (Gempeni Flower Girl JW ShCM) won Reserve Best Bitch while her mother Flora (Barterhound Bouquet for Gempeni JW ShCM ) was Best Veteran in Show.
Can’t keep this boy out of the News! Huge congratulations to Liz Calikes as Kes, one week on from his BOB and Group 3 at Wales, won the Hound Group at S.K.C. under Andrew Brace after winning Best of Breed under Jim Linden. It’s thought this may well be the first time a Scottish Beagle has won the Hound Group at a General Championship Show in Scotland although the feat has been accomplished at SKC previously by David Nicholson’s Ch Sabinhay Outlaw as well as Ch Soloman of Dialynne. Click here for full Beagle results For a few pics from SKC click here
Scotland has another Champion! Hazel Deans’ recent trip to Ireland resulted in Flora winning her 7th Green Star and Irish title at Hound Association of Ireland. Subject to IKC confirmation Flora will sport the grand moniker Ir Ch Barterhound Bouquet for Gempeni JW ShCM. It’s to be hoped that small handwriting runs in the family! click here for details of Irish titles
A good day at Larkhall for the Beagles started with Wilma and Dick Morrison’s Bowerswell Fara winning the Special Hound Puppy Group under Group judge Miss Seonaid McAndrew. Best of Breed under Erica Matthew was Liz Calikes’ Newlin Kestrel JW ShCM. High flying Kestrel then went on to win the Group and finally Reserve Best in Show under Mr Chris Quantrill. Liz said this will be Kes’ final Open show as he will now be concentrating on the Champ Show circuit. Good luck chasing that 3rd CC young man!
Liz Calikes has good reason to smile as Newlin Kestrel JW ShCM is awarded his second CC in a fortnight, this time at Blackpool under Darren Fellows. A year after winning Minor Puppy Dog at the same show - where his kennel mate Franjean N Newlin’s Team Spirit won the RDCC - Kes was also declared Best of Breed and won Hound Group 2 under Pat Clayton. Photo courtesy of S&S Productions
It was a very Scottish affair at the Club’s 50th Anniversary Championship Show this year with Irn Bru, Shortbread and Whisky aplenty, not to mention a tartan clad Steward! After stewarding for Barbara Roderick and Pat Sutton Dick Morrison relates that on a day celebrating a 50th anniversary there was also another link with history. Dick recalls stewarding for Pat’s mother - “the late great Cath Sutton” - some 30 years ago at the Scottish Toy Dogs show where she was judging numerous breeds and Best in Show. Dick remembers that “She had great recall and her ring control and manners were impeccable.” Not many, certainly north of the border, will be able to say they have stewarded for both Rossut ladies. Our three ring officials are pictured opposite on the day.
Almost a year to the day since he won Best Minor Puppy in Show at his first outing Liz Calikes’ Newlin Kestrel JW ShCM has proved he can continue his winning ways among the big boys after being awarded his first CC, a couple of days shy of turning 18 months, at the Beagle Club Championship Show. Kes was also RBIS behind Liz’s choice for Crufts BOB, Ch Davricard Martina, who was awarded the BCC by Jim Woodcock. BPIS was Serenaker Fashion and Best Veteran Ch Dialynne Maximus. Liz and Kes are pictured opposite being awarded the CC from Dogs Judge Ken Burgess. Photo courtesy of Samantha Webster
Sad news from Mairi Brown with the passing of Rocamar Silent Witness for Ramsayville a few days short of his 12th birthday. Spencer (Ch Perseverance of Bayard x Newlin Sweet Gabriella) was bred by Fiona MacLeod and announced his arrival in the ring in some style as he won Best in Match at the annual Beagles V Whippets match in his first outing - at 7 months of age! He continued to do well in the ring for Mairi, Margaret and Andrew Brown and David Todd winning 1CC and 2 RCCs.
Dick Morrison has again picked out a youngster for his Best of Breed who has gone on to attain further awards. This time judging at Tyne Wear and Tees Hound Association Open Show David Craig’s 9 month old Davricard Harrison got the nod for BOB and was later awarded Best Puppy in Show and Reserve Best in Show under Wendell Moore.
The Dog tickets at Hound Assoc. Scotland were both won by Scottish based dogs in the shape of Cuthill, Parker & Stevens Serenaker Othello JW (DCC) and Liz Calikes’ Newlin Kestrel (RDCC) The only other Scottish 1st place was won by Hazel Deans’ Gempeni Flower Girl JW who can now add ShCM to her name after her Best of Breed at Perth the following day. Best of Breed was Ch Dialynne Electra who was later placed Group 4. There are 100 photos from the show on our Facebook group page - so if you’re not already a member on FB, come and join us!
More success to report this time from the discipline of the Agility world where Luisa Fallon and Newlin Anchor Chief won the Grade 6 Crufts Agility class at Dundee. This means that Chiefy now joins Hayley Barnett’s Macey in the Grade 7 classes alongside Agility Champions with top Collies and the like. Liz McEwan and Molesend Brewer are also quietly advancing through the ranks, now competing at Grade 5.
A winning start to the ring career of Wilma and Dick Morrison’s Bowersell Fara. At the youngster’s first show, West Lothian Limit, Wilma piloted her to first place in Beagle Graduate and Hound Puppy Group 1 before being awarded Reserve Best Puppy in Show under Ms Lisa Moir.
It’s all over, bar the shouting, for another year. Of course I’m talking about Crufts, the beagles this year being judged by our very own Liz Calikes. After what must have been a tiring day Liz found her Best of Breed in David Craig’s Ch Davricard Martina while the Reserve Bitch CC was awarded to the Havard’s Ch Annavah Ginny. Ch Dialynne Maximus won the Dog CC from Veteran with the RDCC going to Cuthill, Parker & Stevens Serenaker Othello. Best Puppy was won by Evan’s Bellvalley Stella. Liz is pictured left casting an eye over a class and David is pictured right apparently seeking divine assistance in the Hound Group. photos G. Clacher For more Crufts pics click here.
Many congrats to Sam Goldberg whose Molesend Kaftan JW was awarded Best in Show at the Beagle Association Open show under judge Beryl Conway on Feb. 22nd. Tony is pictured opposite with Sam at last year’s SBC Champ show.
Always sad to hear of the loss of a golden oldie, in this case Barbara and Sandy Purves’ Craigmount Inca ShCM. Jaz, who was 13, was never shown a great deal but always acquitted himself well in the ring gaining his Show Certificate of Merit. Both Barbara and Sandy mentioned his gentle nature (Sandy said he couldn’t recall Jaz barking!) and that they miss him terribly. Jaz is photographed left at the Whippet Racing fun day winning under Paul McFarlane and right at the last Beagles v Whippet match 6 years ago handled by Susan Arden as he vied for Best in Match against a whippet. Jaz sired some lovely puppies in his time two of which, Bryn and Tanya, remain with Barbara and Sandy.
Dick Morrison relates of his recent Judging appointment at Barrow CS down in Lancaster. Christine Lewis brought a youngster under Dick to which he awarded Best of Breed and Group / Puppy Group 1. Pondsanwood Rocky from Fallowfield was then awarded Best Puppy in Show under Anthony Allen. Not bad for your first show at 6 months and 1 week old!
Congratulations to Hazel Deans’ whose Gempeni Flower Girl has been named Scottish Beagle Club Beagle of the Year for 2013. Congratulations also to Louise Bennett who has won the Craigmount Trophy - for most points won at Scottish Open Shows - with Serenaker S’ogni D’oro at Tacomadream. The trophies are to be awarded at our Champ Show in June.