News stories welcomed from all our members
Sad news from Marion Lawson a few days ago when she called soon after losing her beloved Roscoe - Misken Rhum at Winthank - at only 10½ on Friday 16th. Marion asked me if I’d include this item in the News page to let her Doggie friends know, her not being a user of the internet.
Marion and Roscoe are photographed opposite during a visit to Cupar in March 2007 when he was still a puppy. Later that year he came to stay with us for a short period while Marion was on holiday and what a lovely boy he was, fitting in easily with his Misken cousins and showing the sweetest of natures.
Marion would be the first to agree he kept his exhuberance for outside the show ring, seemingly preferring to race around the local park chasing his pals. It’s also perhaps fair to say that the two became even closer and meant even more to each other after Marion lost Jim. All I know for sure is that I couldn’t have wished for a better home for Roscoe.
A good day at Dundee Limit Show for Fiona Findlay. Best of Breed was Fallowfield Adored at Rhiconich and both Special Best Puppy and Special Puppy were won by R. Jarvis and R. Jasmine respectively. Handled by Ella, Rhiconich Jasmine then went on to win Best Special Puppy in Show under Heather Turner.
Ella, who has now moved up to the 12-16 year old handling classes, also won Best Junior Handler
Congratulations to Hazel Deans’ whose Gempeni Ballet has gone one better than September’s RBIS. She bested all at LKA of Scotland Limit Show to be awarded Best in Show under Mr S. Wright. At only 11 months of age Darcey was also Best Puppy in Show.
It’s been a good year for “Beagle Besties” in Scotland with four different owners picking up Best in Show awards as well as two Reserve Best in Shows, three Best Puppy in Shows and a Best Veteran in Show.
Very well done to Jackie Fraser who went Best in Show at Lochaber & District with Wyvisview Harlequin (Ch. Davricard Harrison x Wyvisview Myrtle Beach) just 3 weeks past her first birthday (“Birdie”, not Jackie.)
Jackie and the Belle of the ball are photographed left, with some of their considerable haul, courtesy of Lorna Ungoed-Thomas.
A quick SKC round up - Best of Breed under judge Ms Liz Mcnight was Ch Newlin Kestrel JW ShCM who has now completed a hat trick of consecutive BOBs at this event. Reserve Best Dog was Rhiconich Finleigh while Best Bitch and Reserve BB were Rhiconich Fionnuala and Newlin Iona at Bowerswell respectively. Best Puppy in Breed was Tannahill Candice.
Congratulations to Claire Jones whose youngster has just bettered her RBPIS from May. Clairdale Damia enjoyed a super day at Durham County CA on July 17th where she was BOB and G4, BPIB and HPG1 before being declared Best Puppy in Show. Andrew Cheatham was the Breed and Group Judge while Sheila Jakeman was BIS Judge.
Right is a (cropped) photo from the day kindly supplied by E. Purvis Photography
Well done to Rachel Cuthill who was not only Best of Breed at the Hound Association of Scotland Limit show but later went Reserve Best in Show with Divinebrae Pop My Cork.
Hubby Keith might see a bit more of Louise Bennett now as she has successfully steered all five Tacomadream beagles to their K.C.G.C. Gold awards. Right are the two most recent recipients Simba, left, and Elli. Well done!
A very well done to Serena Parker who, it’s fair to say, enjoyed the Beagle Club Champ Show with Ch Serenaker Fashion not only picking up another CC, under Sally Kimber, but also declared Best in Show under Barbara Roderick. Her old(ish) boy Archie - Multi Ch Serenaker Devil in Disguise - also picked up yet another Best Veteran in Show. Thanks to Serena for sending in the above pic which shows (L-R) Serena with BIS then Annavah Knick Knack (RBIS), Rossut Endeavour (BPIS), Archie (BVIS) and Redcap Bella Sorella JW ShCM (BWIS)
Many Congratulations to Fiona and Stewart Brannan whose Bute - aka Rosanka Nolte JW - continues his excellent show career by winning his first CC at Three Counties under Maureen Caney.
photo at Manchester this year by Samantha Webster.
First places at SKC, under Judge Mrs L.A. Colebrook, were awarded to Rosanka Nolte JW, Tacomadream Duchess, Dialynne Ace Of Spades at Dughallmor ShCM and Divinebrae Dom Perignon But biggest congrats go to Liz Calikes who flew the flag the highest with Newlin Mattie JW ShCm being awarded the Reserve Bitch CC.
photo opposite shamelessly swiped from Liz’s website.
Claire Jones has every right to look mighty pleased in this photo after winning Reserve Best Puppy in Show with her 7 month old bitch Clairdale Damia at Tyne, Wear & Tees Hound Association on May 28th. It was a good day all round for the beagles as Sam Goldberg’s Molesend Kaftan JW ShCM went Group 4 and she also scooped Best Veteran in Show with Newlin Chalice at Molesend JW .
Congratulations to Hazel Deans whose Gempeni Flower Girl JW ShCM won her first CC at Beagle Club of Northern Ireland under Marion Hunt on April 16th. Rosie was also Reserve Best in Show, pipped to B.IS. by the dog CC winner in the Shape of Sam Goldberg’s Molesend Kaftan JW who won his 2nd CC. BIS, RBIS, BPIS, (Maruby's Dashing Darcy) and BVIS (Multi Ch Serenaker Devil In Disguise JW) are photographed below courtesy of Rachel Cuthill-Thomson.
These Best in Show awards - just like buses! Many congratulations again, this time to Louise Bennett who had a day to remember at Coatbridge, Airdire & District on Sunday 7th Feb as her home bred Tacomadream Duchess swept all before her winning Best in Show & Best Puppy in Show at only 9 months of age under Best in Show judge Mrs P. Burgess.
Photo to left is a crop from a Samantha Webster pic taken at Manchester